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spark를 이용해서 Sales 정보 다루기(using groupBy, orderBy)

냠냠:) 2020. 4. 23. 17:50



Sample CSV Data – SpatialKey Support

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[위에서 제공하는 csv를 사용하였다]

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In [1]:
import findspark 
In [2]:
findspark.init('/home/hak/spark-2.4.5-bin-hadoop2.7/') #spark찾기 
In [3]:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession 
In [4]:
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('groupby').getOrCreate() 
In [5]:
df = spark.read.csv('SalesJan2009.csv', inferSchema=True, header=True) #csv불러오기 
In [6]:
df.printSchema() #초기스키마 
root |-- Transaction_date: string (nullable = true) |-- Product: string (nullable = true) |-- Price: string (nullable = true) |-- Payment_Type: string (nullable = true) |-- Name: string (nullable = true) |-- City: string (nullable = true) |-- State: string (nullable = true) |-- Country: string (nullable = true) |-- Account_Created: string (nullable = true) |-- Last_Login: string (nullable = true) |-- Latitude: double (nullable = true) |-- Longitude: double (nullable = true) 
In [11]:
+----------------+--------+-----+------------+-----------------+--------------------+--------------+--------------+---------------+------------+-----------+----------+ |Transaction_date| Product|Price|Payment_Type| Name| City| State| Country|Account_Created| Last_Login| Latitude| Longitude| +----------------+--------+-----+------------+-----------------+--------------------+--------------+--------------+---------------+------------+-----------+----------+ | 1/2/09 6:17|Product1| 1200| Mastercard| carolina| Basildon| England|United Kingdom| 1/2/09 6:00| 1/2/09 6:08| 51.5|-1.1166667| | 1/2/09 4:53|Product1| 1200| Visa| Betina|Parkville ...| MO| United States| 1/2/09 4:42| 1/2/09 7:49| 39.195| -94.68194| | 1/2/09 13:08|Product1| 1200| Mastercard|Federica e Andrea|Astoria ...| OR| United States| 1/1/09 16:21|1/3/09 12:32| 46.18806| -123.83| | 1/3/09 14:44|Product1| 1200| Visa| Gouya| Echuca| Victoria| Australia| 9/25/05 21:13|1/3/09 14:22|-36.1333333| 144.75| | 1/4/09 12:56|Product2| 3600| Visa| Gerd W |Cahaba Heights ...| AL| United States| 11/15/08 15:47|1/4/09 12:45| 33.52056| -86.8025| | 1/4/09 13:19|Product1| 1200| Visa| LAURENCE|Mickleton ...| NJ| United States| 9/24/08 15:19|1/4/09 13:04| 39.79| -75.23806| | 1/4/09 20:11|Product1| 1200| Mastercard| Fleur|Peoria ...| IL| United States| 1/3/09 9:38|1/4/09 19:45| 40.69361| -89.58889| | 1/2/09 20:09|Product1| 1200| Mastercard| adam|Martin ...| TN| United States| 1/2/09 17:43|1/4/09 20:01| 36.34333| -88.85028| | 1/4/09 13:17|Product1| 1200| Mastercard| Renee Elisabeth| Tel Aviv| Tel Aviv| Israel| 1/4/09 13:03|1/4/09 22:10| 32.0666667|34.7666667| | 1/4/09 14:11|Product1| 1200| Visa| Aidan| Chatou| Ile-de-France| France| 6/3/08 4:22| 1/5/09 1:17| 48.8833333| 2.15| | 1/5/09 2:42|Product1| 1200| Diners| Stacy|New York ...| NY| United States| 1/5/09 2:23| 1/5/09 4:59| 40.71417| -74.00639| | 1/5/09 5:39|Product1| 1200| Amex| Heidi| Eindhoven| Noord-Brabant| Netherlands| 1/5/09 4:55| 1/5/09 8:15| 51.45| 5.4666667| | 1/2/09 9:16|Product1| 1200| Mastercard| Sean |Shavano Park ...| TX| United States| 1/2/09 8:32| 1/5/09 9:05| 29.42389| -98.49333| | 1/5/09 10:08|Product1| 1200| Visa| Georgia|Eagle ...| ID| United States| 11/11/08 15:53|1/5/09 10:05| 43.69556|-116.35306| | 1/2/09 14:18|Product1| 1200| Visa| Richard|Riverside ...| NJ| United States| 12/9/08 12:07|1/5/09 11:01| 40.03222| -74.95778| | 1/4/09 1:05|Product1| 1200| Diners| Leanne| Julianstown| Meath| Ireland| 1/4/09 0:00|1/5/09 13:36| 53.6772222|-6.3191667| | 1/5/09 11:37|Product1| 1200| Visa| Janet| Ottawa| Ontario| Canada| 1/5/09 9:35|1/5/09 19:24| 45.4166667| -75.7| | 1/6/09 5:02|Product1| 1200| Diners| barbara| Hyderabad|Andhra Pradesh| India| 1/6/09 2:41| 1/6/09 7:52| 17.3833333|78.4666667| | 1/6/09 7:45|Product2| 3600| Visa| Sabine| London| England|United Kingdom| 1/6/09 7:00| 1/6/09 9:17| 51.52721| 0.14559| | 1/2/09 7:35|Product1| 1200| Diners| Hani|Salt Lake City ...| UT| United States| 12/30/08 5:44|1/6/09 10:52| 40.76083|-111.89028| +----------------+--------+-----+------------+-----------------+--------------------+--------------+--------------+---------------+------------+-----------+----------+ only showing top 20 rows 
In [12]:
df = df.select("Transaction_date","Product","Price") #필요한 열들만 모아서 다시 정의 
In [15]:
+----------------+--------+-----+ |Transaction_date| Product|Price| +----------------+--------+-----+ | 1/2/09 6:17|Product1| 1200| | 1/2/09 4:53|Product1| 1200| | 1/2/09 13:08|Product1| 1200| | 1/3/09 14:44|Product1| 1200| | 1/4/09 12:56|Product2| 3600| | 1/4/09 13:19|Product1| 1200| | 1/4/09 20:11|Product1| 1200| | 1/2/09 20:09|Product1| 1200| | 1/4/09 13:17|Product1| 1200| | 1/4/09 14:11|Product1| 1200| | 1/5/09 2:42|Product1| 1200| | 1/5/09 5:39|Product1| 1200| | 1/2/09 9:16|Product1| 1200| | 1/5/09 10:08|Product1| 1200| | 1/2/09 14:18|Product1| 1200| | 1/4/09 1:05|Product1| 1200| | 1/5/09 11:37|Product1| 1200| | 1/6/09 5:02|Product1| 1200| | 1/6/09 7:45|Product2| 3600| | 1/2/09 7:35|Product1| 1200| +----------------+--------+-----+ only showing top 20 rows 
In [25]:
root |-- Transaction_date: string (nullable = true) |-- Product: string (nullable = true) |-- Price: string (nullable = true) 
In [27]:
from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType 
In [28]:
df = df.withColumn('Price',df['Price'].cast(DoubleType())) #Price가 문자열이면 계산하기 어려우므로 Double형으로 cast 
In [30]:
df.groupBy('Product').min().show() #제품 별 최소 가격 
+---------+----------+ | Product|min(Price)| +---------+----------+ | Product3| 7500.0| | Product2| 3600.0| | Product1| 250.0| |Product3 | 7500.0| +---------+----------+ 
In [31]:
df.agg({'Price':"max"}).show() #price중 최댓 값 
+----------+ |max(Price)| +----------+ | 7500.0| +----------+ 
In [32]:
grouped =df.groupBy('Product') #Product열만 groupy해서 가져오기 
In [34]:
grouped.agg({'Price':'max'}).show() #각 그룹 별 최댓값 가져오기 
+---------+----------+ | Product|max(Price)| +---------+----------+ | Product3| 7500.0| | Product2| 3600.0| | Product1| 2100.0| |Product3 | 7500.0| +---------+----------+ 
In [35]:
from pyspark.sql.functions import countDistinct, avg,stddev #다양한 연산을 위해 모듈 import 
In [36]:
df.select(countDistinct('Product')).show() #Distinct= 중복 제거 즉, Product의 개수를 센다. 
+-----------------------+ |count(DISTINCT Product)| +-----------------------+ | 4| +-----------------------+ 
In [37]:
df.select(countDistinct('Product').alias('Distinct Product')).show() #alias를 통해서 열값 바꿔주기 
+----------------+ |Distinct Product| +----------------+ | 4| +----------------+ 
In [38]:
df.select(avg('Price')).show() #평균 값 
+------------------+ | avg(Price)| +------------------+ |1622.3671013039118| +------------------+ 
In [39]:
df.select(stddev('Price')).show() #표준 편차 
+------------------+ |stddev_samp(Price)| +------------------+ |1099.0531766851177| +------------------+ 
In [40]:
from pyspark.sql.functions import format_number 
In [41]:
Price_std = df.select(stddev('Price').alias('std')) 
In [42]:
+------------------+ | std| +------------------+ |1099.0531766851177| +------------------+ 
In [43]:
Price_std.select(format_number('std',2).alias('std')).show() #소수점 2자리까지 표현하기 
+--------+ | std| +--------+ |1,099.05| +--------+ 
In [44]:
df.orderBy('Price').show() #Price를 기준으로 오름차순으로 정렬하기 
+----------------+--------+------+ |Transaction_date| Product| Price| +----------------+--------+------+ | 1/28/09 18:00|Product1| null| | 1/30/09 7:42|Product1| 250.0| | 1/21/09 11:28|Product1| 800.0| | 1/1/09 11:05|Product1|1200.0| | 1/9/09 15:58|Product1|1200.0| | 1/5/09 4:10|Product1|1200.0| | 1/6/09 7:18|Product1|1200.0| | 1/2/09 1:11|Product1|1200.0| | 1/1/09 2:24|Product1|1200.0| | 1/2/09 4:53|Product1|1200.0| | 1/2/09 2:57|Product1|1200.0| | 1/3/09 14:44|Product1|1200.0| | 1/8/09 0:42|Product1|1200.0| | 1/4/09 13:19|Product1|1200.0| | 1/2/09 20:09|Product1|1200.0| | 1/7/09 8:08|Product1|1200.0| | 1/4/09 14:11|Product1|1200.0| | 1/5/09 5:39|Product1|1200.0| | 1/1/09 20:21|Product1|1200.0| | 1/5/09 10:08|Product1|1200.0| +----------------+--------+------+ only showing top 20 rows 
In [47]:
기df.orderBy(df['Price'].desc()).show() #desc는 내림차순 
+----------------+---------+------+ |Transaction_date| Product| Price| +----------------+---------+------+ | 1/16/09 2:41| Product3|7500.0| | 1/11/09 4:29| Product3|7500.0| | 1/25/09 16:11| Product3|7500.0| | 1/20/09 5:24|Product3 |7500.0| | 1/25/09 11:35| Product3|7500.0| | 1/17/09 7:56| Product3|7500.0| | 1/17/09 7:58| Product3|7500.0| | 1/22/09 12:45| Product3|7500.0| | 1/1/09 4:24| Product3|7500.0| | 1/25/09 1:53| Product3|7500.0| | 1/5/09 2:57| Product3|7500.0| | 1/15/09 10:16| Product3|7500.0| | 1/18/09 13:26| Product3|7500.0| | 1/12/09 5:50| Product3|7500.0| | 1/14/09 10:32| Product3|7500.0| | 1/6/09 22:19| Product2|3600.0| | 1/5/09 8:58| Product2|3600.0| | 1/18/09 13:49| Product2|3600.0| | 1/6/09 7:45| Product2|3600.0| | 1/4/09 12:56| Product2|3600.0| +----------------+---------+------+ only showing top 20 rows 
In [ ]:
느낀  : 데이터 베이스의 SQL과 다를게 없는 기능을 보여주지만 pyspark.sql은 처음 다루기 때문에 조금 어색한 부분이 없지 않아 있다. 프로그램마다 배우는 연산기능, 데이터 활용 방법들을 익숙하게 다룰  있다면은   편하게 다룰  있을  같고 데이터를 추출하는 부분에서 많은 이점이 있을  같다. 